Duo Running

What is a Duo Team?

A Duo Team is comprised of one able bodied person pushing a permanently disabled person in a customized three-wheel wheelchair specific for outdoor racing. The duo rider must be nonambulatory and possess a permanent physical impairment that aligns with the eligible impairment types defined by World Para Athletics. Both team members must be at least 16 years of age on event day.

What are Duo Requirements?

Duo Requirements and Course/Safety Rules Duos are required to comply with the following Rules:

  • Helmets
  • Bib Number & Start Procedures
  • Rules of the Road

The person with a permanent disability must be secured into a wheelchair. The able-bodied person must be tethered to the wheelchair and push the person with a permanent disability the entire race distance within the official race time limit.

The able-bodied participant must maintain contact and control with the wheelchair at all times throughout the race. Only the registered able-bodied participant can propel the customized racing wheelchair forward. No outside assistance is permitted.

Only the registered person with a disability can ride in the customized racing wheelchair. Motor, pedals, cranks, or gears are strictly prohibited.

Duo teams will start as directed by the Event organization.

Where can I find racing events for Duo Teams?

The following map shows Duo Racing events all around the country. Click on any of the dots to visit the racing event’s website.